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August 8, 2008 - Kalara Studios incorporates as Luminant Audio!

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At Luminant Audio, you'll find the recording process to be the perfect blend of what you want and what you need. To help you better understand how we work, here's a little bit about our philosophy, techniques, and a brief history of the studio.

Recording Philosophy
Our philosophy for recording is based very simply on the idea of a clean slate for each project. Each individual project requires a different approach and every endeavor has different elements and needs—both technical and personal. One of the things we take pride in at Luminant Audio is the ability to accommodate for the vast array of clients and projects that come through the door—from rock to funk, big band to bagpipes, live, in-studio, mobile, installation, audio for video, post production or pre-production. Like that bearded guy from The Men's Warehouse guarantees your good looks in a suit, we know you'll be happy with the results of your well-dressed audio project.

History of Luminant Audio
Luminant Audio has been in operation since 2004. Since then, we've gone from elaborate basement digs in North Seattle into what is now a fully functional studio in the heart of Fremont with all the amenities you can ask for...check out pics of the studio and more in the gallery.

© 2008 Luminant Audio

in the studio

More pics in the Luminant gallery...